Pablo Gonzalez

Results 9 issues of Pablo Gonzalez

In page 200 we see the following code `if(tweet.indexOf())` This will fail, it should be `if(tweet.text.indexOf())`

the listMetdata() call fails when the user is not an admin. Need to do some research to see what the user sees in the UI when this is thrown. Potentially...

The [MetadataComponentDependency]( Tooling API object currently supports custom fields, so it is possible to see if a custom field is used in apex code. Standard fields support is not available,...

It might be useful to add a topping option for apex classes (both impact and deployment bdary) to see the current code coverage of the class SELECT ApexClassOrTrigger.Name, ApexTestClass.Name, TestMethodName...

``` SELECT PermissionSetId FROM PermissionSetAssignment WHERE AssigneeId = '00580000006ZFwd' select id from permissionset where id in () select Id, SObjectType, Field, PermissionsRead, PermissionsEdit from FieldPermissions where parentid in ( )...

When doing impact analysis on a custom field, if the field is used by a RLS field, that field should be in the results. This might be hard to implement...

![Screenshot 2022-05-30 at 11 37 34](