Pablo Gonzalez

Results 8 comments of Pablo Gonzalez

@VinceFINET another way of doing this could be: 1. Get all the fields 2. Figure out which ones are formulas (your code already does these 2 steps) 3. Then, for...

Yes, you are right, that would only be for fields. For workflows, you can do something similar to what I do in `sfdc-soup` 1- Get all the workflows related to...

I don't think the DAPI supports this natively. And I wouldn't use it considering that it is going away.

Thank you @itaishmida ! This is indeed because of the configuration of IP restrictions in your org, so the behavior was expected. Of course, I could have returned a better...

Hi @mitaligore , Standard fields are now handled at, which is also 100% free! (I'm part of the project). You can see a demo here

@KriegOfSalesforce please try Salto, it's also 100% free

That's the paid tier. When you sign up you'll start a 30 day trial. after that it defaults back to the free tier, which is impact analysis and metadata search...

@mshanemc is the solution to this to always specify the `sourceApiVersion`?