Phil Jones

Results 47 issues of Phil Jones

A couple of minor fixes I've required to use this package.

### Checklist - [x] The bug is reproducible against the latest release and/or `master`. - [x] There are no similar issues or pull requests to fix it yet. ### Describe...


Looks like gevent had to add a greenlet compatible implementation of ContextVars, [issue]( and [fix]( Does eventlet need to do the same?


The current async mode happily allows coroutines to be awaited without requiring the `await` keyword. Whilst this is nice, it is actually quite a confusing and a non-obvious behavior. ~~In...


## Status **READY** ## Description This can then be combined with the other functions to convert kebab-case to any other supported case. Note the character casing is preserved in conversion...

[Flake8-isort]( seems to be a better choice than this project, as it is fully customizable (a common request), has the ability to auto-format the imports via isort directly, and able...

Some more context when this is relevant. ```mermaid flowchart LR httpx-->|slow network| server subgraph one[Host 1] client-->|localhost\nconnection| quart subgraph quart[Quart app] httpx[httpx async\nclient] end end subgraph two[Host 2] server end...

This is more of a pytest-asyncio bug, see ```python @pytest.fixture(scope='class') async def test_context(self): async with app.app_context(): async with app.test_request_context("/"): setattr(quart.g, 'test', 'value') yield @pytest.mark.asyncio async def test_global(test_context): assert quart.g.test...

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