Sebastian Pfitzner

Results 110 issues of Sebastian Pfitzner

flisp (on 1.9) ``` julia> Meta.parse("""test"asd"true""") :(test"asd"true) ``` JuliaSyntax#main: ``` julia> JuliaSyntax.parse(Expr, """test"asd"true""") :(test"asd" * true) ``` Note that this is different from other `Number`s: ``` julia> JuliaSyntax.parse(Expr, """test"asd"0.0""") :(test"asd"0.0)...

`get_server_dir` breaks on Windows if the package server includes a port, because ``` julia> joinpath("/asd", "foo:20") "foo:20" ```

Yggdrasil only allows for `major.minor.patch` versions, but the Wizard allowed me to input [`0.29.0-gfm6`](

bug :bug:
wizard :mage:
up for grabs
hacktoberfest :beer:

Might be an init problem? MWE: Execute the following step-by-step: ``` window = mfb_open_ex("my display", 800, 600, MiniFB.WF_RESIZABLE) mfb_update(window, rand(Int32, 800, 600)) mfb_update(window, ones(Int32, 800, 600).*typemax(Int32)) mfb_update(window, zeros(Int32, 800, 600))...

Currently, we're trying to download cache files for all packages even if they all time out, which can take quite a bit of time. Would be good to add a...


Much like the registry is nowadays stored in a single tar file. This will help with performance on file systems that are slow when accessing many small files and also...


@fredrikekre ran into an OOM while deserializing a cache file, which got corrupted somehow. Would be good to detect that during deserialization and try to recover (or just delete corrupt...


Because those, by definition, interact with user objects, which might have broken `getproperties` implementations etc.
