Sebastian Pfitzner

Results 110 issues of Sebastian Pfitzner seems cool; would be nice to try this instead of stork/flexsearch if it performs sufficiently well.


Repro: - Make sure your global env is empty. - Create a new package that depends on Pkg and REPL - Put that package on LOAD_PATH and try to `using`...

Minimal repro: ``` ❯ tree . └── Foo ├── Project.toml └── src └── Foo.jl 3 directories, 2 files ❯ cat Foo/Project.toml name="Foo" [deps] Pkg = "44cfe95a-1eb2-52ea-b672-e2afdf69b78f" REPL = "3fa0cd96-eef1-5676-8a61-b3b8758bbffb" ❯...

Should fix


and remove `onNotebook:jupyter-notebook` event Fixes For every PR, please check the following: - [x] End-user documentation check. If this PR requires end-user documentation, please add that at -...

``` julia> using SnoopCompileCore julia> pushfirst!(LOAD_PATH, "/home/pfitzseb/Documents/Git/julia-vscode/scripts/packages/VSCodeServer") 4-element Vector{String}: ^[[B"/home/pfitzseb/Documents/Git/julia-vscode/scripts/packages/VSCodeServer" "@" "@v#.#" "@stdlib" julia> @snoopr using VSCodeServer 11872-element Vector{Any}: ... julia> trees = invalidation_trees(invals) 8-element Vector{SnoopCompile.MethodInvalidations}: inserting display(::VSCodeServer.JuliaNotebookInlineDisplay, x) in...

flisp: ``` julia> Meta.show_sexpr(Meta.parse("for f() = 1:3; f(); end")) (:for, (:(=), (:call, :f), (:call, :(:), 1, 3)), (:block, :(#= none:1 =#), (:call, :f), :(#= none:1 =#) )) ``` JuliaSyntax#main: ```...

It's unclear to me whether the flisp behaviour is intended or desired, but JuliaSyntax does behave differently than flisp: flisp: ``` julia> Meta.parse("[i; for i in 1:3]") :([i for i...