Pascal Fautrero
Pascal Fautrero
Hi, I just tried to cache an image like this : ``` myImage = new Kinetic.Image({ image: rasterObj, x: parseFloat(detail.x) * iaScene.coeff, y: parseFloat(detail.y) * iaScene.coeff, width: detail.width, height: detail.height,...
Hi, It is not exactly a bug report and don't know if it is already reported. For now, it is just an information. In fact, using kinetic 5.1.0 in my...
If a tooltip is shown, objects under this tooltip are no more active
Seems that if we drop an element on an area and if we move it just a little an drop it, drop callback is not fired
Groups used as background image are not properly handled if images are transformed (rotations, scaling)
Main title at the top of the screen must not be displayed anymore if resource creator did not fill the title field
Actually, tooltips are only available on game themes
Create new doc to explain how to include a XIA resource in Moodle/WordPress/DotClear/Joomla/SPIP
Draggable elements are not displayed because of transform attribute applied on images [](
Current entry is ->Extensions->Export->XIA New entry will be : ->Extensions->XIA->Export The idea is to separate Games and Interactive Images. At the end, we would have : ->Extensions->XIA->Generate Game ->Extensions->XIA->Generate Image...