Pascal Fautrero
Pascal Fautrero
Well, it is not really on drag and drop feature. Let's look at these examples. Help the rabbit to catch the carrot. This version is kinetic 5.1.0 I modified on...
Here it is :
According to me, there are two solutions : 1. drawHitFromCache Just cache your image and call drawHitFromCache. 2. Do it yourself with hitFunc You just have to play with...
really great idea ! I had to deal with such a case in one of my projects. If you implement it, I will try it immediatly.
Bonjour, je vais corriger pour la version Inkscape 1.3 et mettre à disposition pour Windows d'ici ce soir. J'ai vu un problème sur la librairie PIL pour laquelle ANTIALIAS est...
la version 3.0.1 devrait adresser certains problèmes rencontrés. téléchargeable sur