Paul Sokolovsky

Results 679 comments of Paul Sokolovsky

> Leaving the option out, generated an elf file with objcopy. Great, thanks! With winter holidays over, it will be more latency for me to look into ppci, but I...

I think there's a good progress on the title of this ticket. The next logical step is: just the same as ppci-ld was made to run ppci-objcopy automagically, just the...

> I need to reconfigure my environment to be able to make pull requests. What kind of recocnfiguration to you have in mind? Just in case, as long as you...

Well, I don't know. I really posted this ticket with the motivations described. I'm not sure if it's useful to have such a list in the docs. From my PoV,...

Maybe there will be port of recent hit of compiler interwebs, "A Compiler Writing Journey", to Python, by @ponyatov:

Thanks for the reply here. IMHO, this is one of the most important questions right now, as it sets the further direction of the project, and would make it clear...

So, let's think of who can be target audience of open-source project. While discussing that, I will be giving valuations from the point of view of "community" and from a...

@windelbouwman, thanks for the reply! > The way you outlined it, type 3 sounds reasonable, but I would like to keep the scope of the project wide. Thanks for acking...

Ok, as we agreed that "type 3" project makes sense, the main matter is of course implications that has on project approach. Let me summarize what I have in mind:...

@windelbouwman: I'm contemplating splitting out this parser as a standalone module. I searched for other Python LLVM IR parsers, but couldn't find something better. It's definitely an improvement over my...