Paul Sokolovsky

Results 679 comments of Paul Sokolovsky

Well, I don't know, imho this ticket has useful info, and some points to discuss (I'm for one pretty slow, sorry). But decide for yourself, if you think that keeping...

This is of course predicated on deciding what's the primary "home" of the project, e.g. issues mentioned in . Generally, if promotion is the aim, headquartering on Github is...

Ok, my humble post to Reddit's /r/Compilers: brought the project 8 stars, which is still 30% improvement ;-).

I also saw PPCI was posted on Hacker News: , but got ~zero ring: of 2 upvotes, one is mine. This again shows the importance of coordinating the effort:...

PPCI is now included in the list (

> Did you already play with this script? I saw it, but didn't pay much attention, now tried. What can I say, cute! ;-) Also should go in the...

0.5.7 ann on Reddit:

As I mentioned elsewhere, the question of standard and runtime support libraries is a big task, which is also not really of "research" and "computer science" type of task (unlike...

With that intro, specific suggestions: > Use a C library? Yes. Newlib is a well-known libc implementation which is also not too bloated (used in deeply embedded projects). Note that...

But again, libc/librt matters are big. There's still much lower-hanging fruit: > ppci-cc hello.c -o hello; ./hello should "just work" So, from this, immediate thing what's missing is ppci-cc call...