Paul Sokolovsky

Results 679 comments of Paul Sokolovsky

An idea here may be that having a docstring for module giving an overview of module is not a bad idea. But stuffing too much content there, e.g. introductory material...

I'd suggest to skip C3 altogether and use C instead. As @windelbouwman suggests, sticking to `int` for starters may be a good idea (I'm glad to hear that `float` works...

Hey, cool! Except it's not mine, but a humble fork of, to which I didn't yet even apply any interesting changes. First would be getting rid of intermediate AST,...

> In the sense of getting something working. Makes sense, please keep us posted of your progress!

I appreciate detailed and prompt reply! > I was a bit distracted by rustpython and lognplot projects That's what I saw myself too. I actually wondered in lognplot is somehow...

> Part of the reason why I stopped working on this project was my doubt about rust. It's a great language and I was doubting if I should rewrite all...

> Do you have any specific directions you would like to see the project move? Well, let me humbly remind that I submitted ~20 tickets, covering exactly the things I'd...

> So, if you're interested in contributions Oh, and if you don't, might be helpful no know that and why. No matter what it is (and if it's personal ;-)),...

Happy New Year everyone on the thread! I would like to extend an invitation to @CarterTS who just [posted on Reddit]( about , to consider joining PPCI fun ;-).