Dmitry Filimonov

Results 60 comments of Dmitry Filimonov

I don't see any way we can open Devtools extension via shortcut. However, Devtools terminal can work as a simple tabbed chrome extension (chrome-extension://leakmhneaibbdapdoienlkifomjceknl/panel/index.html) and I assume we can use...

Is it Chrome or Chromium? What OS do you use?

Okay, When you do `sudo devtools-terminal --install`, it creates a new file at /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/com.dfilimonov.devtoolsterminal.json Can you tell me what's in it? Also, can you show me the output of this...

Okay, so there's been a bug and this little script here `Users/nieldlr/.nvm/v0.10.15/lib/node_modules/devtools-terminal/bin/` couldn't find `node` executable. Now, I think I fixed it :) I also updated the npm package, so...

Oh, sure, I forgot about the -g flag. Thanks for helping me investigate this!

Hey, p3k Can you please show me the output of `which node` and the content of /etc/opt/chrome/native-messaging-hosts/com.dfilimonov.devtoolsterminal And, as mentioned above, the right command is `npm install -g devtools-terminal`, with...

Can you check if this file `/usr/lib/node_modules/devtools-terminal/bin/` has executable rights? ``` ls -l /usr/lib/node_modules/devtools-terminal/bin/ ```

Please, check if this file is executable `/usr/local/lib/node_modules/devtools-terminal/bin/`

Okay, if you guys could read, you would notice that there are clear instructions on what to do in such circumstances: ``` npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script....