Peter Uhnak

Results 26 issues of Peter Uhnak

Hi, considering the last Protege Desktop was released more than two years ago and there's not that much activity, is there a plan to make any further version, or is...

Protege 5.5.0 It seems that when Entity rendering results in the same visual label, it also breaks the underlying linking between entities. Test document: ``` @prefix gp: . @prefix rdf:...

I'm using version 5.5.0 It seems that literals with backslashes in them are not properly rendered in the Annotations view. ![image]( ```ttl @prefix : . @prefix rdf: . :value a...

Type: Bug
Status: Reproduced

I am upgrading from jdbi 2.78 to 3.25.0, but it seems the new AbstractArgumentFactory no longer matches when provided with generic type. I saw this ticket, but maybe it regressed...

improvement When `` is missing in the folder, then `classComment` will stay uninitialized and then will fail when specifying comment `self addClassDefinitionFrom: classPropertiesDict comment: classComment withSqueakLineEndings.` maybe a fix would...

It is my understanding that allowing package renames (**with preserved history**) is complex task for regular filetree. However gitfiletree (metadata-less) takes everything from git, which does understand renames and likewise...

Windows has a list of reserved file names and patterns more specifically this: > CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2,...

Currently when I type in incorrect name of repo or a branch I just get a weird error saying that a zip wasn't found. ![este]( This is very cryptic when...

* Added scripts for building win32x86 from scratch * Updated to show how to use the scripts Although I have rewritten the main ``, the old windows scripts are...

The example for `ResolveTypeInContext` in the book throws an exception > [reflectionTypeSolver.setParent(reflectionTypeSolver);]( ``` Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: The parent of this TypeSolver cannot be itself. at com.github.javaparser.symbolsolver.resolution.typesolvers.ClassLoaderTypeSolver.setParent( ``` Presumably...