Peter Bengtsson

Results 337 comments of Peter Bengtsson

> This is still on our radar in the backlog. Thanks for continuing to report examples you find! Thanks for that update. I felt a bit bad about piling on...

Pardon my ignorance but what's the *benefit* of this? **Before**: ```python @app.get("/", response_class=PlainTextResponse) async def root(): return "bla bla" ``` Swagger can infer that the response is going to be...

I would definitely say it's a bug. I have 20+ different workspaces of projects that aren't entirely dead and have their own git repo with a `package.json` in them. Only...

> non-strict typechecking errors in TS files, while Rome enables all the `recommended` lint rules by default and thus reports a lot more diagnostics. I think this is what triggered...

I know it's might be the most constructive ways to say this but; **this here is why I'm not adopting Rome**. The CLI is fantastic and I'm sick and tired...

@john-jerome Don't know what it could be. I confirmed that this is all I have: ``` permissions: contents: read # Needed for the 'trilom/file-changes-action' action pull-requests: read ``` and I'm...

I use zsh but I think it's the same as bash. You can either escape each filename with quotation marks, but you can also just use `\` on each control...

Sorry. My bad! I misread the error.

Actually, I think it is a "bug". When we change from ``` ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'automated-block-deploy') }} ``` to ``` github.event_name == 'pull_request' && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'automated-block-deploy') ```...

My stats team say they want it stored in parquet (in S3). I have many individual big dicts that I want to store. Most of them are 1-level dicts, so...