Ray Zhu

Results 8 issues of Ray Zhu

Is there a way to do ``` WITH RECURSIVE table(column1, column2) AS (SELECT this, that FROM somewhere) UNION SELECT column1, column2 FROM table SELECT column1, column2 FROM table ``` I...

At least SQLite also has the RETURNING keyword, is it safe to leverage `PostrgeSQLQuery` in other SQL engine?

It freezes my vim in Cygwin 64 bit on windows 10 when I do this ``` vim call dein#add('thinca/vim-localrc') ``` with no further configuration.

It takes about 3 seconds to run in command line, but it will be like a minute when using the plug-in. Is it scanning only the current file or not?


The message would show up during the scanning, and disappear when the scanning is done and leave the panel open. Close the panel if it is empty, and try to...

When using native `coala`, I would have an interactive mode when there is any suggestion. Can we do it in vim like a merge tool panel? e.g. https://asciinema.org/a/12436gcrwmuf169s2ze6eedpi Or, could...


I would love to pass parameters to `coala`. Right now I have the following settings: ``` vim autocmd FileType python map :!coala --no-config --apply-patches \--bears=CPDBear,PEP8Bear,PyImportSortBear,PyUnusedCodeBear,RadonBear \--files=% ``` I hope at...


Can I at least move around when the scanning is in progress?
