Ray Zhu
Ray Zhu
Same problem here. `elm v0.17.1` on `Windows 10 pro`. ``` powershell > elm package install elm-lang/html -y Error: The following HTTP request failed. TlsExceptionHostPort (HandshakeFailed (Error_Protocol ("certificate rejected: [NameMismatch \"github.com\"]",True,CertificateUnknown)))...
v47 Ubuntu 安裝成功
cool, what might be the alternative? syntastic?
How can I make `coala` into Neomake?
I never go deep into `syntastic`. I try to write some markers in `Neomake`, but they does not work as I expected. ``` vim let g:neomake_python_coala_maker = { \ 'args':...
The log messages keep pushing up, which is annoying. Is there any progress on this?
You mean... no one uses `coala` in `vim`?