Andrew Peng

Results 6 issues of Andrew Peng

Explore manual AGC for audio during video recording?

feature request

**1. Is this a feature request?** Nope *If yes then sorry but this project is not taking feature requests at this time.* We all understand time is at a premium...

### **Before Start!** **Make sure the bug also happen when Details! is the only addon enabled.** **Describe the bug** Current GitHub releases do not have a release.json or the correct...

Propose giving the user to use the self-sign option (putting Windows into Test Mode and disabling UAC) or allowing the user to sign with a CA (which doesn't require putting...

Edited with a link to add driver signing so you can run the modified drivers without putting windows into Test Mode.

Sometime within the past week the Ghostery extension is no longer blocking ads - I first noticed it on several web pages such as SlickDeals where now i'm getting presented...
