This can come up when adding or modifying a benchmark - and the is already in Spack, but not yet in Benchpark. - how to find the versions we...
Where should this live? - A sub-bullet under "Adding a Specific System configuration" - FAQ: I would like to use external dependencies ... Adding a Specific System could point here....
- Add function to call arch spec -- On my system, so I can add it to system spec in Benchpark -- (eventally) When creating a system spec in Benchpark... Collaborators are doing similar things with Slurm.
Given 2 runs of an experiment (same machine or different machines), what is different in: - systems (spec diff?) - build (ignore system software - compilers (+cmake etc.), mpi, math...
- [ ] Need to move compilers.yaml to packages.yaml - [ ] Need to understand when Ramble will shift to this as well, Spack expected to shift by November 2024....