Pierre Delagrave
Pierre Delagrave
Same issue here, on wings.
Didn't think to run the tests locally first, it should be fixed now. I'm new to C++ and didn't know about `friend` yet, thanks for proposing to use it. Although...
Same problem with 9.18.6. Also realized that the client list in the /stats page assumes the peer ids to be text strings and not bytes, they aren't escaped and displayed...
Necessary change for using on a production system where observability matters. Hoping to see this PR merged soon!
Exact same problem with my MK3S+. Inserting an SD card also worked as a workaround. [serial.log](https://github.com/prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware/files/13775212/serial.log)
Hello, any status update for this PR? We're eager to try it out :) Thanks