
Results 6 issues of pchome

The idea is simple: hold Left Ctrl key during game launch to spawn an program where one can add/modify PF options. I hacked this as two parts: a simple keypress...

Instead of having multiple similar fixes in xxxxx.py files, it would be better to add games to some fix-group. E.g. `dotnet40` and/or `noesync` groups, then corresponding fixes should be applied...


Maybe entry points are not the best places to init some internal stuff. Because every damn thing requesting vulkan also triggering `Config` constructor. This causes: * spam in the log...

Please note, [libstrangle](https://gitlab.com/torkel104/libstrangle) now has it's own Vulkan layer implementation. The repository will be archived soon.

Can someone confirm this? After every update (e.g. recompiling from updated git) gamescope spent some time with high CPU load, for me it can be a few minutes which I...

Similar to e.g. `DXVK_CONFIG`. Uses `;` as the option separator. Example: `VKBASALT_CONFIG='effects=smaa:fxaa:cas;toggleKey=End'`