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:book: An R package for creating CSAS reports in PDF or Word format with R Markdown and bookdown
`s/Her Majesty the Queen/His Majesty the King/` > We have confirmed that the copyright statement must now be changed to the following: For English reports: © His Majesty the King...
**Describe the bug** Tech report failing to build with latest TeX packages **To Reproduce** Build the default tech report template **Expected behavior** It builds **Observed behavior** Error: ``` ! LaTeX...
**Describe the bug** Default Tech Report doesn't compile with fresh install of tinytex and TexLive. **To Reproduce** Run the first unit test in `test-render-techreport.R` **Expected behavior** PDF is created. **Observed...
`rosettafish` is required in the techreport rmd. Should it be a dependent? If commented out calls to `en2fr()` fail.
**Describe the bug** A `.upb` file gets left behind when rendering. It would be nice to clean this up for the user. **To Reproduce** Build a resdoc or tech report....
For some reason, the current tinytex does not install the babel-french or babel-english packages when needed. This is a recent problem as far as I can tell. Users can fix...
- [ ] check '[final](https://phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=1531)' templates against currently in package (note it may be easiest to modify the current one because all the work adding 'bookmarks' has already been done)...
This is a continuation of #195 In that thread you mention a `prepub` toggle. The document that needed a watermark back then is now ready for prepublication, but I couldn't...
If you are hoping to get your full analysis and csasdown in one reproducible directory, is it best to take advice from [#3 in the initial setup](https://github.com/pbs-assess/csasdown#initial-setup) and have one...
I was able to convert a regular table to a landscape table following the steps from your [wiki page](https://github.com/pbs-assess/csasdown/wiki/How-to-make-landscape-tables). However, that broke cross-references like ```Table \@ref(tab:TableAltApproaches)``` that I had in...