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Tech Report TeX error
Describe the bug Default Tech Report doesn't compile with fresh install of tinytex and TexLive.
To Reproduce
Run the first unit test in test-render-techreport.R
Expected behavior PDF is created.
Observed behavior
The following TeX error:
! Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
<to be read again>
l.14 \RequirePackage
[running]{lineno} % Number lines (editing)
- Operating system: macOS, but I think @ricardd was getting this on Windows too
- R version: R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
- csasdown version: current GitHub version
Additional context I tried commenting out
in the .sty file, but the error persists with other packages named.
I tried reverting to this commit and that didn't fix it either.
Coming back to this later, I no longer have this issue. The only difference, I think, is that I rendered a resdoc in between, thereby installing a bunch of other TeX packages.
I can confirm the same error running Win10 and R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
In my case it's a fresh install of csasdown
, MikTex updater was run prior to attempted compile of the techreport's index.Rmd
For me, I deleted tinytex completely, then re-installed from scratch and the first thing I did after installing it was testthat::test_file("tests/testthat/test-render-techreport.R") and it passed all the tests, no errors. I then went through the normal procedure using csasdown::draft() and render() and it built the PDF fine.
Windows 10 R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22 ucrt) csasdown commit (84596) tinytex version 0.42 Miktex is NOT installed on this machine
I just uninstalled miktex (had to wait for IT to do it, arrggh). Installed tinytex. Started rendering, after 30mins of tinytex installing packages, it rendered a-ok,