Paul den Dulk

Results 465 comments of Paul den Dulk

@whoisj I think my problems were caused by the GitHub TLS 1.2 roll out. First I had [this issue]( which was fixed by installing the latest git for windows. This...

@whoisj The update was an easy fix but there might be some frustration before they find out they need to update.

I did the Xamarin.iOS Unified API upgrade for a larger project and it was actually quite a lot of work. Code changes as well. The automatic upgrade of Xamarin Studio...

Using [NuHelper]( with this command: `nuhelper shortFrameworkName .NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile147` Results in this string for the .nuspec: `portable-net403+sl50+win+wp80+Xamarin.iOS10+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10` I expect this to solve the problem.

It is also be possible to generate the nuget package directly from the csproj `> nuget spec osmsharp.ui.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects -version 0.0.1-pre` The more automation the better. Not sure when to...

A broad comment from my user perspective: - Breaking changes are not such a problem. Just document them well. It helps to put tags like these on the deprecated fields...

Here is a minimal reproducible example.

@mattleibow Any update on this? We have a sample for WPF Forms. Users actually try to build apps based on this sample but have to hold their development when they...

@mattleibow Thanks for the update. If I understand correctly this will be fixed in a future version. What kind of fix should we look for in the release notes? You...

@mattleibow Ah, thanks, that clears things up for me. We also got our first WPF .NET Core request yesterday. Good to know skiasharp also has a high priority for that....