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Unable to install on VS 2015 Xamarin iOS project use NuGet
Could not install package 'OsmSharp'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'Xamarin.iOS,Version=v1.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
Looks like target framework xamarinios1 wasn't included. Is there any solution to install this package? Btw dependency protobuf-net can't be installed by same reason.
Note: This is an issue with the Nuget packages and Unified API.
Updated according to the information found here:
Can you verify?
@xivk looking at your commit you've just changed targets. But that type of project references different lib types. In your OsmSharp.iOS.UI Assembly its monotouch (http://i.imgur.com/S0baszN.png) but that new Xamarin iOS type project based on Xamarin.iOS Assembly so its definitely not a fix.
I did the Xamarin.iOS Unified API upgrade for a larger project and it was actually quite a lot of work. Code changes as well. The automatic upgrade of Xamarin Studio caused the most work. Don't use it.
@pauldendulk Thanks!
This commit should already have added support for unified API:
I'll check what happens in the build process with the result.
Using NuHelper with this command:
nuhelper shortFrameworkName .NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile147
Results in this string for the .nuspec:
I expect this to solve the problem.
It is also be possible to generate the nuget package directly from the csproj
> nuget spec osmsharp.ui.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects -version 0.0.1-pre
The more automation the better. Not sure when to use which (generating from csproj or nuspec).
The protobuf-net dependency also doesn't install using Nuget on a fresh new 'Xamarin.iOS'. What a mess has this become all of a sudden.
@xivk if there is a particular nuget target / moniker I should be using, let me know...
@mgravell ,
NuHelper.exe shortFrameworkName .NETPortable,Version=v4.0,Profile=Profile136 portable-net40+sl50+wp80+win+MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10
the above indicates that you(protobuf-net) already support MonoAndroid10+MonoTouch10
please make it happen shoud be as easy as renaming the nuspec, i hope
Find out how to install successfully, just go to the packages that failed (protobuf-net) and install the latest version. :) Enjoy