Harrison Erd
Harrison Erd
Its included in Pythons standard library. I will listen if someone has an idea for something else.
https://bitbucket.org/patx/pickledb/commits/8c9fe33adcff0fc6e5df14a25313105f19996295 done
Let me know which commit this change was made in so I can review, thanks.
if i remember correctly that will add whatever 'more' is to the end of the 'key's value (havent worked on this project in a long time)
Could this be a problem with with Distinst?
@aerocyber Maybe using a different installer e.g. ubiquity would work. Is this possible to sudo apt install ubiquity and use that or is there more setup required, need a work...
I tried again today same Macbook 12" same problem. This is real bummer hope we can get it fixed!
I also have started an issue on the distinst repo related to this https://github.com/pop-os/distinst/issues/316
I installed ubiquity and it goes through the entire installation but it isnt set up properly so it doesnt completely work. The partitioning didnt seem like an issue however. Maybe...