installer copied to clipboard
Installer doesn't show partitions on MacBook
What Happened?
Same issue as #617 that issue should not have been closed, as it is not fixed with the new commit.
Steps to Reproduce
- Booted into Live Demo Mode
- Added ppa:elementary-os/daily
- apt update
- apt install io.elementary.installer
- io.elementary.installer
- Can use the installer up to the part where i click Erase Entire Disk
Expected Behavior
Should be able to select Install and Erase Entire disk, but it doesn't show any partitions.
OS Version
7.x (Horus)
Software Version
Latest release (I have run all updates)
Log Output
** (io.elementary.installer:9521): CRITICAL **: 07:20:11.347: CheckView.vala:105: Unable to get disks list: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying
Hardware Info
MacBook 12" Retina (2017)
These are just my thoughts but it seems like the problem is occurring around this portion of the code in the src/Views/DiskView.vala
public async void load (uint64 minimum_disk_size) {
DiskButton[] enabled_buttons = {};
DiskButton[] disabled_buttons = {};
InstallerDaemon.DiskInfo? disks;
try {
disks = yield Daemon.get_default ().get_disks ();
} catch (Error e) {
critical ("Unable to get disks list: %s", e.message);
load_stack.set_visible_child_name ("disk");
(Code around line numbers 125-136. Due to the log ** (io.elementary.installer:9521): CRITICAL **: 07:20:11.347: CheckView.vala:105:
directly referring to the statement in the try-catch block: Unable to get disks list:
or the code around line number 47-60. I also suspect that the DBUS_TIMEOUT_MSEC
is not sufficiently high. These are just my suspicions as the code does refer to that variable around line number 55.
daemon.g_default_timeout = DBUS_TIMEOUT_MSEC;
Could this be a problem with with Distinst?
Maybe, as the installer uses distinst.
@aerocyber Maybe using a different installer e.g. ubiquity would work. Is this possible to sudo apt install ubiquity and use that or is there more setup required, need a work around until I figure this out and I'm 75% sure its distinst because POP fails as well. I have made an issue report on the distinst repo as well.
I am not sure of it.
This is still a problem in 7.1. Same as previously described.
Can confirm
As @israelpattison and @dvilelaf have mentioned, still a problem. Ubiquity sees the SSD but crashed when trying to install.
I tried again today same Macbook 12" same problem. This is real bummer hope we can get it fixed!
I also have started an issue on the distinst repo related to this
I just tried to install elementary on my MacBook and getting the same issue. Partitions show in gparted but not in the installer.
I installed ubiquity and it goes through the entire installation but it isnt set up properly so it doesnt completely work. The partitioning didnt seem like an issue however. Maybe include ubiquity in 8.0 release as a backup to the standard installer as a work around?