Patrick Leung

Results 18 comments of Patrick Leung

Hi @nikosf95, May I ask which authenticator are you using for registration? Also, have you attempted registration multiple times and reached the same result?

Hi @Canopus-B, Here is an example of the output for a ping request using skfsclient.jar with HMAC authentication ``` $ saka445:~> java -jar ~/skfsclient/skfsclient.jar P https://`hostname`:8181 1 rest hmac 162a5684336fa6e7...

Hi @prathapcoder, While we have not tested it, Apache Tomcat should be able to run the SKFS. Since the FIDO Server is nothing more than a deployable ear file, any...

Another approach that may be worth tackling is changing the Payara `wget` command to download a more recent version of Payara (at the moment, we support Payara 5.2020.7). [Here]( is...

Hi @prathapcoder, Could you take a look at the property in your /usr/local/strongkey/skce/etc/ file? The value of that property should be changed in the entrypoint script, but if it...

Hi @prathapcoder, In [lines 61-70 of the entrypoint script](, these values should be set in a newly created /usr/local/strongkey/skce/etc/ Try adding some prints in your entrypoint and remove the "-d"...

Hi @prathapcoder, Have you made any changes to your dockerfile? If your echo commands are not running then this may be an issue with bash or a missing entrypoint script...

Hi @prathapcoder, You can find the dependency"fido2mds-4.4.0.jar" when extracting the distirbution [fido2server-v4.4.3-dist.tgz]( and in the unzipped fidoserver.ear's lib/ directory.

Hi @prathapcoder, Running: ``` mvn install:install-file "-Dfile=fido2mds-4.4.0.jar" "-DgroupId=com.strongkey" "-DartifactId=fido2mds" "-Dversion=4.4.0" "-Dpackaging=jar" "-DgeneratePom=true" ``` should add fido2mds-4.4.0.jar to your local maven repository. You will be able to find it in your...

Hi @prathapcoder, It is possible that you are receiving this error because you are building the SKFS with a Java version greater than 8. At the moment, the SKFS only...