**Course Generator** is currently translated in French and English. If you want to translate CG in your language, please leave a comment bellow or contact me. Translating CG is not...
Link the GPX and CGX file to Course Generator
Update the map when using the shortcut F7 and Shift-F7 or the buttons.
Sometime it's quite hard to set the position of the cursor in some curves.
Analysis > Time/distance : Some time the Y autoscale doesn't work.
For the red curve (regression) there is no auto-range.
Odd lines with white background and even lines with light gray background. May be some columns can have a special color...
In the mini roadbook, if ask to display a label at the last position of the track, sometime the vertical line doesn't appear.
In order to increase the audience of Course Generator, a Spanish translator is needed. 2 job can be done. Translating the software or the manual. The most important is the...