Patrick Labatut

Results 23 comments of Patrick Labatut

`nodelist` is not explicitly supported by the Slurm executor (yet), but the options specified in the `additional_parameters` parameter are passthrough for Slurm (i.e. passed as is to `sbatch`). Here is...

Thanks for the suggestion. I believe the OBJ format does not support per-vertex colors though.

If you need to save such information, try using instead the PLY format: while the exposed `save_ply()` does not support saving colors, the internal `_save_ply()` should. Feel free to submit...

Oh I see, I guess this non-standard extension could potentially be added to `save_obj()` then.

See the discussion on [#779]( The issue was closed by the user but is still tracked internally.

Thanks for the suggestion, we could look into this for future releases! What would be your specific use case?

No, not at this time, although it is some that has been discussed. What would be your use case?

> Or can I load them as TextureUV on my own? But they have multiple texture images per obj file, does Pytorch3D support loading TextureUV from multiple texture images? `TexturesUV`...

> After these textures are applied to each part of the mesh, is there a way to convert them into a single TextureUV map? One could try to repack all...

> Can I input a mask which defines location that highlight should appear? At this time, PyTorch3D only supports constant material parameters and does not support specifying material parameters via...