@karlhorky thanks for the PR. We'd indeed prefer a string to avoid using TS 4.1, some consumers might still be using old TS versions and thus may run into issues...
@const-cloudinary @adimiz1 this is on hold until we revisit the proposed solution.
@const-cloudinary @adimiz1 this is on hold until we revisit the proposed solution.
@Marsup to expand on @shirlymanor's comment, A naive fix of this issue breaks backwards compatibility in certain use cases. A fix is planned as part of a larger effort around...
Hey @TarunBhan - it looks like you're looking for Incoming transformations, and not eager. - `Eager` will generate the various derived assets immediately, but it will store the original as...
@nschild Can you please provide more context on what you're trying to do? Is this issue with React Native, or the Cloudinary IOS SDK?
Hey @alxistn You should be able to pass a class prop directly to the component, this will be merged into the tag classes ``` ``` This results in this HTML:...
@alxistn it depends on how you use the component, for example a simple rendering as I've shown above: ``` ``` Generates this (full) html - without a div ``` ```...
Thanks @alxistn , now it's understood. Although this goes against the way Vue works (The top-most component always gets the class passed to the component), this does sound like something...
@alxistn You should be able to fork the project (Top right in your github UI), once you've forked the repo, you can commit to your fork copy your changes, then...