Patrick d'Emmabuntüs
Patrick d'Emmabuntüs
Thank you @SeymourNickelson for your advice. Indeed, if the words are read one by one, this will alter the reading of the voice synthesis. On the other hand, you must...
Thank you very much @contentnation for your advice.
@kelson42 Yes Orca in principle automatically reads the contents of the window which has the focus. Otherwise do Orca + S to activate or deactivate the sound information. If you...
Hello @alexkuz Thank you for your Piper integration script with Speech dispatcher. It works very well. I see that you are using Orca with Piper, and have you noticed that...
> I see that you are using Orca with Piper, and have you noticed that Piper speech synthesis has longer pauses between words than eSpeak-ng or Svox Pico speech synthesis...
Hello @alexkuz Thank you for your feedback, and what you say seems coherent. So we would have to use a fast Svox Pico style synthesis for the screen reader and...
Merci Papoteur pour votre retour et oui votre suggestion me convient et j'ajouterais aussi un raccourci pour tuer Elograf à la fin de son utilisation. Oui j'ai vu que cela...
Hello Papoteur, Thanks for your script and it partially works on my side. I can't make a point with the "papa final" or "papa bar" command. Same thing for colons...
Thank you very much for your efforts, and your evolution works. I will continue my tests on the punctuation and I will keep you informed.
Bonsoir Papoteur, désolé c'est moi qui a fait une mauvaise interprétation des mots de commande et j'avais omis de prononcer le point entre "papa" et "final" ou "bar" :( Si...