
Results 228 comments of patak

Nice fix. I'm leaning towards the alternative proposal though. IIUC this PR could end up reordering styles and scrpts, no?

@brillout would you extend the API you are proposing? In your config example, `server` is used but that is the Vite Dev Server config already. And how do the plugins...

I agree that given the current parallel explorations happening it may be too soon to formalize things in Vite core. @brillout your idea of a new `onBuildEnd` hook is interesting,...

> As for defining new commands, I don't see much complications here. One thing though: other than `$ vite deploy`, I don't see a use case for defining new commands....

@sapphi-red I wonder if plugin-vue should export some utilities to handle these cases. It could be easier to change internals later

> @aleclarson The issue is reproduceable on large codebase with lots of dependencies, I guess no one will leak the enterprise application source code just for the repro. (...) .I...

@ntkoopman would you expand a bit in what needs to be changed in Vite? A PR would be great so we can discuss what the implications are there (from anyone...

@Kylar13 we're hitting some issues with the update to rollup plugin commonjs v22, in case someone wants to help check out the issue: -

That could be an option @fwouts. I think we should still try to get v22 to work, but we could go there if we can't get it for v3.

@juspky thanks for testing the alpha, and good to know the issue is resolved there. Please create a new bug report with a minimal reproduction of the problem you experience...