
Results 13 comments of pasniak

I have a solution which work in emulator but not on the phone.... Cast the builder: ``` val dialogInterface = builder?.build() as? AlertDialog ``` and call from activity: ``` fun...

Setting MaxLines in code is crucial for XML-free Kotlin's anko layouts...

Also, in the above music sample nulloy's waveform is kind of uniform; maybe it should be log()'ed?

Maybe it would be easier to change a data test description?

I hit the same issue. Is it acceptable to make this change non-backward compatible? I.e force the API user to provide full local path to the file (which will be...

It is possible to override `run()` in a class inheriting from `DownloadRemoteFileOperation` but mGet is inaccessible when I try to return a result: `result = RemoteOperationResult(isSuccess(status), /*this.mGet*/ null)`

Aha this is possibly the working one I had before (I blindly burned the latest over the working one....). I tried for sure and stratux-v1.6r1-eu027-3d07b461-us.img today (NOT working). And...

Where is the file? Yes, I'm familiar with Linux but each time I get to look at Pi's settings, network config is a different file, which looks somewhat cryptic.... +...

I added ifup eth0 to /etc/network/interfaces in the second (empty) line (before something with eth0 already) Now, I do not see the ip on my desktop nor I can bring...

I had to ssh into stratux and execute `sudo ifup eth0`. If it is that simple why not add it to the gui? (when we can already run update shell...