Dominik Paschke
Dominik Paschke
Hi there, It's supported, but needs some set up beforehand. The plugin just uses data returned by the WooCommerce REST API (, which doesn't support custom taxonomies out of the...
Hi there, I've updated the version of `gatsby-source-filesystem` in the latest version of this plugin, would you mind seeing if it resolves the mismatch you were seeing, please? Note I...
Hi there, Sorry for the delay. Nice idea, I hadn't thought of using the _fields query parameter, and also good way of handling it with the options using a resources...
Hi again, I actually ended up having a chance to have a brief look at this. I've created a [new branch]( with the filter fields feature - using the same...
Hey mate, lesson title: (Quiz) Rules of Hooks issue: Q1 (Where can you call a Hook?) has 'From the top-level of a function' as one of the expected answers. I...
lesson title: (Bonus) React Render Props issue: (minor typo) About halfway down the page, in the paragraph ```The next question becomes, what should Hover render? This is where are function...