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Course Issues
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lesson title: Why React? issue: description of issue.
I'll "hide" the comment when it's fixed.
hey there
lesson title "quiz useState", 2nd question issue: you're naming the const "[state, setState]" and then refer to "setLoading"
lesson title: "guide to react context" issue: seems to contain the text for useMemo hook! (not mentioned in the video)
lesson title: "quiz react context" issue: last question answer uses word "compasable". composable?
Hey mate,
lesson title: (Quiz) Rules of Hooks issue: Q1 (Where can you call a Hook?) has 'From the top-level of a function' as one of the expected answers. I assume (but may be very wrong) 'component' might missing from the end of that sentence?
Edit: same thing applies to (Quiz) Custom hooks
lesson title: (Bonus) React Render Props issue: (minor typo) About halfway down the page, in the paragraph
The next question becomes, what should Hover render? This is where are function prop knowledge comes into play. Let’s have Hover receive a prop called render. This render prop is going to be a function that we can pass the hovering state to and it will return some UI.
Second sentence should instead be -> "This is where our function ..."
Hi, I found typo.
lesson title: (Quiz) useReducer
issue: typo
lesson title: (Quiz) useEffect quiz question #4 issue: missing 'React.' in front of 'useEffect' invocation
lesson title: Curriculum (starting code for the hackernoon-clone) issue: The starting code of User.js exports class Post instead of User. Not sure if this is intentional or not...I'm guessing most students don't notice since they are refactoring to use function component anyways?
lesson title: (Project) Popular.js issue: In the original project, error is set to null at the start of fetching to ensure the loading animation is displayed after an error occurs. This is missing from the hooks refactor, so if an error occurs during fetching, the loading animation will not be displayed on the next fetch.
lesson title: (Bonus) React Render Props
issue: missed quotation marks in expression {() => This is props.children}
Lesson title: "Wait Delay" as well as "Use Wait" (both of them, practice and solution) Issue: Whenever "seconds" is mentioned or used in the code, it's actually milliseconds. So 3000 is 3 seconds etc.
Lesson title: (Solution) useWindowDimensions Issue: In the solution, I think useEffect should have an empty array as the second parameter. This way the event listener is added and removed only when a component is added / removed from the DOM and not after every render.
Lesson title: (Bonus) React Render Props
Issue: Not much of an issue, but I've seen that for many 3rd party libraries utilizing this technique, they setup both render
and children
for more flexibility. You may wanna include this in the article and code example as well.
I haven't watched React course to see if this bonus article match the video word by word. But something extra in the article that is not found in the video is totally fine.
Posts.js line 48 or so. The reducer accepts {“type”:“error”, message:string}, but the dispatch function there is passing {“type”:“error”, error:string}
Lesson: React.memo, useCallback, and useMemo Issue: missing word 'out' on the text.
you need a way to opt of re-rendering expensive components
Is missing 'out' after 'opt'
Lesson Title: (Practice) Show/Hide
Issue: Images are 404. For example,
lesson title: From IIFES to CommonJS to ES6 Modules issue: link to "modules" ( = 404