Don't use a USB Hub for flashing. It will not work. After I connected the Stick (DataTraveler 111 32GB) directly to the USB Port and set the Boot Mode via...
Thank you very much and sorry for wasting your time. I hadn't seen that section yet!
Once more: is it possible to download windows AND linux Versions with this paramter, or only Linux OR Windows? "--os linux, windows" doesn't work? I crossposted the problem, because I don't know what is the correct repo to post. Sorry
First try: Prefill says no updates:  Second try: After download via Steam:  So the proxy config seems to be OK, only the prefill don't get all the updates?...
The prifill App says all the Files are up to date, but if I open Steam, there are no hits. There seams to be a bug in the linux update...