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Restore factory firmware
Hi, I got a problem. I have Patriot 8GB Supersonic Xpress and I modified it with your script. I used RubberDucky Hello World payload and it work perfectly, but unfortunately, when I connect my USB drive, the payload executes but the drive won't show up in the Windows Explorer. So I'm trying to restore factory firmware in the drive, but it won't work. SetBootMode works (I use command DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=SetBootMode. The drive letter is the one I used when I flashed the firmware for the first time, since now the drive won't show up), the LED on the drive stays on but I still can't flash the factory firmware. When I try to execute command DriveCom.exe /drive=D /action=SendFirmware /burner=BN03V104M.BIN /firmware=fw.bin (where the burner image is the image downloaded from and which I used to flash my drive for the first time, and the firmware file is the file I dumped before I flashed my drive) I get the error: Action specified: SendFirmware Gathering information... FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 048F w DriveCom.PhisonDevice._SendCommand(SafeFileHandle handle, Byte[] cmd, Byte[] data, Int32 bytesExpected) w DriveCom.PhisonDevice.SendCommand(Byte[] cmd, Int32 bytesExpected) w DriveCom.PhisonDevice.RequestVendorInfo() w DriveCom.PhisonDevice.GetChipType() w DriveCom.Startup._GetInfo() w DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware() w DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args)
The same error I get when I try to execute commad GetInfo.
Did I do something wrong? The payload works, so I suppose that flashing process went well but I'm concerned about the fact that the drive won't show up in Windows Explorer.
In addition, I tried to flash the custom firmware but I get the same result.
What can I do to get my USB drive work again?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards from Poland, yoyebie
Windows has a setting that hides drive letters for empty or ejected drives, which is what the drive will be when custom firmware is flashed to it. You might try changing that setting in Folder Options in Control Panel to see if you can get the drive letter to appear.
I suspect that once you do that, the tools will work.
Ok, now the drive shows up in Windows Explorer when I connect it, but the tools still don't work, returning the same error.
I have the same error 048F can not restore or return to another cfw o ofw
my pen toshiba transmemory 16gb
Got the Toshiba TransMemory-MX as well and after dumping original fw and flashing custom fw I can't use tools. I receive the following:
FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 0079 bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice._SendCommand(SafeFileHandle handle, Byte[] cmd, Byt e[] data, Int32 bytesExpected) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 365. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.SendCommand(Byte[] cmd, Int32 bytesExpected) in...\DriveCom ßDriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 295. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.RequestVendorInfo() in...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 140. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.GetChipType() in...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 170. bei DriveCom.Startup._GetInfo() in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 384. bei DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware() in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 365. bei DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args) in...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 114.
Any suggestions what to do?
edit: At least I can use DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=GetNumLBAs without getting errors. edit2: After setting to BootMode I can't even use DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=GetNumLBAs any longer: FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 0006
i have repair my toshiba ,0006 is error no comonicacion .
DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=SetBootMode ,or manual boot mode is Recommended safer
DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=SendExecutable /burner=BN03V104M.bin
DriveCom.exe /drive=e /action=SendFirmware /burner=BN03V104M.bin /firmware=cfw.bin
Thanks for reply, but still not working for me. When I want to sSendExecutable I get error again:
FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 0079 docs/PinsToShortUponPlugInForBootMode.jpg Fixed Manual boot mode and then led
DriveCom.exe / drive = E / action = SendExecutable /burner=BN03V104M.bin
does anyone have a low level format tool for Toshiba TransMemory-MX USB 3.0 16GB ? Or working stock firmware? I can write images and send "SendExecutable /burner=BN03V104M.bin" but cant get it to work as "normal" usb stick again ;)
@air101 Did you get a rubber duck sample working with that stick?
I've managed to inject Rubber Ducky's "Hello World" into my Toshiba TransMemory-MX USB 3.0 16GB. Based on my testing, so far it works on Win7 (32 bit) but NOT on Win7 (64 bit).
Right now, I'm facing the same problem by not able to "SendFirmware" to my Toshiba's thumdrive. I can see the drive label and I can do "SetBootMode" . But "SendFirmware" and "GetInfo" failed.
@phaq01 Yes, the rubber duck sample works with that stick. I've tested it on Win 8.1 64Bit, Win7 64Bit and Windows XP. @aminazek SendFirmware works when you do the Hardware Boot Mode (Short Pin2+3) but cant get it to work as "normal" USB Stick again. Apparently my DumpFirmware is corrupted. Do you have the Backup of your Firmware?
@air101 Please try this firmware (see attachment).
@aminazek I dont see an Attachment?
Here is my dump of original FW from Toshiba TransMemory-MX USB 3.0 16GB black. Just rename to .bin
Ok, after I manually set the device to bootmode at least "something" happened:
...DriveCom.exe /drive=E /action=SendFirmware /burner=BN03V104M.BIN /firmware=orig_fw.bin Action specified: SendFirmware Gathering information... Reported chip type: 2303 Reported chip ID: 98-3A-A8-92-76-57 Reported firmware version: 1.01.10 Mode: BootMode Rebooting... Sending firmware... Executing... FATAL: System.InvalidOperationException: DeviceIoControl failed: 0079 bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice._SendCommand(SafeFileHandle handle, Byte[] cmd, Byt e[] data, Int32 bytesExpected) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 365. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.SendCommand(Byte[] cmd, Byte[] data) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 314. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.SendCommand(Byte[] cmd) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 304. bei DriveCom.PhisonDevice.JumpToPRAM() in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\PhisonDevice.cs:Zeile 228. bei DriveCom.Startup._RunFirmware(String fileName) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 439. bei DriveCom.Startup._SendFirmware() in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 378. bei DriveCom.Startup.Main(String[] args) in ...\DriveCom\DriveCom\Startup.cs:Zeile 114.
Without (manually) setting to bootmoode anything before "FATAL" does not appear. The problem is there is still the problem. ;)
While opening the device's case, I realised that there is no Phison-Chip inside (see picture). May this be the problem? It is the Toshiba TransMemory-MX 16GB black, which ist listed in the supported devices... maybe a mistake?
I hope anyone could help with this.
Ok, last update: after manual bootmode I installed a custom fw without problems. The Hello World Payload is working. I can't restore original fw but I can use custom fw now. Problem solved.
Maybe this link is helpfull:
@CitNils and all other
I habe the same problem after flashing the Hello Wold Demo. Could anyone make a picture with the pin with this stick need to use for the Bootmode? Its the same like CitNils´s
@Gaara4 look in the docs/ directory of the source.
This stick doesn´t looks like my stick.
Must be same pin layout, I think they just rebranded the Physon chip.
This ?
I trys often with a pocket knife. I hold the pocket knife to pin 2 or 3. If the LED flashes i remove the knife, but the Bootmod not start.
@Gaara4 I have the same Toshiba Stick. Its just a rebranded Phison. @CitNils and @aminazek Thank you for the firmware. I can test it out on Monday.
Hi guys, I've been fighting the same set of issues too, the software boot mode doesnt work and hardware boot mode is a little tricky but seem to have it nailed.
Might be wrong but is working for me with this drive :
These are the pins i've been using and are working reliably now Contact the pins before and whilst plugging the drive in and the light should remain lit, if it goes off or flashes before you've sent the first command that means its not in boot mode and try again.
send the executable : DriveCom.exe / drive = E / action = SendExecutable /burner=BN03V104M.bin (i've been using 114m instead)
then send your custom firmware as normal
Hope this info is of use to you guys :)
@Gaara4 Wrong pins. Look again at the image, there's a red dot marker. Hint: pins are on the left side.
Everything works know thanks all. It is normal then you can´t use the stick normaly after the patching fw?
Don't use a USB Hub for flashing. It will not work. After I connected the Stick (DataTraveler 111 32GB) directly to the USB Port and set the Boot Mode via the two Pins, I was able to flash the original Firmware again. :)
And yes it is normaly that you cant use it. While somebody writes a custom Firmware for your stick, that is able to talk to the flash of the stick. :(
@pascalschmiederer thank you for your answer, i actually knows it but thanks ^^
@CitNils Could you explain how you boot in manual mode ? thanks
@linuxFR Take a look at this picture:
You can boot manually, if you unplug the device, put a needle (or some other very small/fine metalthing) between pin 2 and 3 at the side above the TOSHIBA label. According to the picture it would be left side of the chip and the second and third pin counting upside down. With the needle at the pins you have to replug the device and wait for ~1 second, remove the needle and the stick is in boot mode (lamp keeps glowing). Now you can flash, but to me it only worked for custom firmware and I couldn't get back to original firmware.
Hope I could help.