Pascal S. de Kloe

Results 80 comments of Pascal S. de Kloe

Again, if you are out of energy and/or time, then I can take over from here. Feel free to call enough. I know how much work this is. 😅 You...

The error classification is a bit flat now. `StateError` seems appropriate when marshalling integers and or numbers out of their respective bit-range. `RangeError` now may indicate buffer overflows &...

> I'll add `RangeError` for `ColferSizeMax` and `ColferListMax`. It's unlikely to happen while unmarshalling, because the same thing should have been run on the other side, so it won't interfere...

Hi @NickTheDev, Sorry about the late response. Yah, the branche from @vendelin8 could definitely use an extra pair of eyes. My review stranded a bit due to professional assigments. Will...

Time is freeing up now. It will be merged soon. Besides a review some benchmarks would be very welcome @NickTheDev.

I thought you were offering assist @NickTheDev. So it was just encouragement then...

Excellent. 🙂 When can you start @NickTheDev? Feel free to contact me directly on [email protected].

Version 2 will support fixed size opaque data from 1 to 32 bytes [256-bit]. C and Go support embedded arrays in a struct. For Java a `final` byte array seems...

Yes, Go and C will have the fixed size arrays. I'm thinking about a compiler flag such as `-O uuid:typeX.field1,type2.field3+ipv6:type.field` for custom bindings per language, say `java.util.UUID`.

Hi @lithdew. The current release does not support the feature. It would not be hard to implement the most basic form, which is a byte array. If you can spare...