Pascal S. de Kloe

Results 82 comments of Pascal S. de Kloe

Sorry for the late response @thibaudroy. Please feel free to contact me directly on [email protected]. Can have phone call or chat to discuss. Contributions are most welcome. No guidelines. Just...

TODO: • colferSizeMax and colferListMax checks on unmarshal • redundant colferSizeMax and colferListMax checks in marshal and marshalLen • equals operator test (in Identity) • drop `dart format` exec; ident...

I stranded on the equality testing. Tiny code changes lead to entirely different results, and there are no hints nor pointers to look for. Dart managed to make development a...

```diff diff --git a/dart/gen_test.dart b/dart/gen_test.dart index 1fe05a5..96bc7bd 100644 --- a/dart/gen_test.dart +++ b/dart/gen_test.dart @@ -103,14 +103,16 @@ void main() { var cases = newGoldenCases(); group('Identity', () { + var cases2 =...

Arrays (of all types) are supported in version two now. Behind the scenes, each element is encoded just like separate fields (in similar order) would. Java uses final arrays.

Works perfectly out-of-the-box. 👏 ``` % docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 29c832bb6c81 ibm-mqadvanced-server-dev: "runmqdevserver" 3 minutes ago Up About a minute 1414/tcp, 9157/tcp, 9443/tcp ```

Did you read as suggested by chughts @koyomi-san?

A fix as in removal of the parameters then, I presume?

Picked up in pull request #16.

ARM works now. It needs a custom build, and so does MQTT: