The primary action of the modules screen is to import a module where a FAB is suitable. A module has metadata like the description which isn't showed anywhere. A module...
When I implemented the AppDetailsDialog I had to remove the snackbar. It wasn't possible to move the snackbar into the dialog because it was displayed above the dialog buttons and...
There is no way of seeing if an app is instrumented. It'd be nice to see directly in the app list whether an app is instrumented.
The InstrumentationController has a queue to handle multiple instrumentation requests but there is no way a user can see how many instrumentation requests are existing. For a while the progress...
The reinstrumentation after app updates doesn't work since the introduction of modules. Currently we don't map modules to apps, so we don't know which app was instrumented using which module.
After importing a module into ArtistGui it can be selected to instrument apps. However there's no way to know with which module a given app was instrumented. We only know...
We should call the logging methods from the LogA class which uses trikita.log (uses internally android.util.log) while respecting the user log level preference. CI will fail to test this pull...
In order to fix the empty progress dialog #32 when the service is handling multiple instrumentation requests we need to cache the latest progress update. Otherwise we can't display the...
The PackageUpdatedReceiver is declared in the AndroidManifest.xml and listens always for android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED. Using PackageManager.setComponentEnabledSetting()¹ we can enable the BroadcastReceiver only when at least one app is marked as "keep instrument"...
Currently the BroadcastReceiver (AppListChangedReceiver) which listens for Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_ADDED and Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED calls Loader.onContentChanged(). This calls forceLoad() on the AsyncTaskLoader. It'd be better to update the existing list instead of rebuilding the...