The current version does log "Loaded ARTist module " if a module loaded sucessfully.
Yes that sound good! 👍
The continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr is failing due to issues unrelated to this pull request. Issues: - FC113: Resource declares deprecated use_inline_resources: community-cookbooks/iptables/providers/rule.rb:25 (Iptables?)
An intent service is a better option for it. :+1: I didn't think about it when I created the issue.
Yeah you're right! Thank you for reporting this. :)
I looked into this. The method getDrawableForDensity() throws a Resources.NotFoundException when the given id does not exist or is invalid (id=0). This won't happen because we get the app icon...
Could you provide a stack trace, please? (adb logcat)
Don't worry I think I know what the problem is. We load all our icons with mdpiContext. Even if there is no app icon we try to load the default...
Sorry for not being that clear. I'm talking about an option to import a new module when the user selects which modules he wants to use for the instrumentation. Just...
We can't query the PackageManager for API 23. It has two methods PackageManager.getPackageUid() and PackageManager.getPacakgeGids() which where introduced in API 24.