Julien Pagès

Results 11 issues of Julien Pagès

Hi, first, thanks for this package! I have a request - I am sometimes working on a local branch (not pushed to a remote location) and in this case using...


move some code in new files to simplify player code a bit. This address issue #15 - @stayeasy, @floufen what do you think of it ? It should not make...

For now, funq is not able to select a QGraphicsItem and moves it. In fact the selesction does not works (by simulating mouse press on an item), and that's probably...


We often end up modifying the server/libFunq/player\* files (that's normal this is our tested application entry point!). It is now pretty big, and a bit hard to read. I think...


hey there, I am not anymore using webmacs since some time, and I won't be able to be the maintainer of webmacs. If anyone is interested in being maintainer, please...

It would be nice to support file:// scheme in the **adblock-urls-rules** variable to be able to write custom adblock rules (https://adblockplus.org/en/filters).

See https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qwebenginesettings.html. I am thinking about: - PlaybackRequiresUserGesture (False as a default) - ShowScrollBars (True as a default) Careful about the required minimum qt version.

good first issue

It would be really nice to have support for proxies, I need to investigate a bit on how to do that. But webmacs is mainly using qnetworkmanager, and I guess...

this shoud fix #14 . I did some quick testing with the default books, this looks fine to me.