Julien Pagès

Results 38 comments of Julien Pagès

Ah, no problem at all! That sounds great :)

That makes a lot of sense to me, and I too use pytest instead of nose from quite some time now. I like the idea of having some other packages...

awesome - sorry for being really slow to answer here. I just added a comment in the PR, let's get this merged soon if you plant to use it;

This looks nice - could you rebase the code on master please, now that you fixed the travis tests (+1 !) it should compile and every test should pass. Also,...

Hey, Thanks for this PR! I just looked at it briefly - it appears that the code can not be merged. You may need to rebase your fork on top...

You're right, thanks for the report! We should say it in the documentation (at least README.md), and also ensure the version in the setup.py file. I'm totally open to a...

Have you tried using setMoveResizeWindow ? I haven't tried in a while, but looking at the description this look like what you need. Tell me if that helps! http://ewmh.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ewmh.html#ewmh.ewmh.EWMH.setMoveResizeWindow

Hum, since ewmh 0.1.5, we use the xlib package provided on pypi (it was basically a fix for python2): https://github.com/parkouss/pyewmh/commit/308d4d7c504c966f4d9d69be2a31717c02879d33 It looks like you are using python3, and we changed...

Thanks for reporting this (and sorry for the delay). I think it's a good idea and a requirement to adhere to standards. To not make that change a hard breaking...