
Results 56 comments of Papoteur

I displaced the test. This still works with responsiveness.

Hello, The most probable is that problem comes from the vosk model for german itself. In French, I see frequently "hum" without real reason. xdotool takes characters and sends them...

Thanks, I will try that.

> That said, you should be able to just override the paths with the standard cmake (gnu dirs?) variables when invoking it. I didn't check just now, but using a...

I have added the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_buildroot} for the cmake install, but this is not better. Indeed, I see that after building libiconv, the process try to install it, I presume for...

Hello, I use LXQt 0.14.1, thus no wayland but Xorg. Only `pynput.Keyboard.type` is affected. The locale layout is still used. I presume that this has something to do with Xlib...

I should add that when I launch before: `setkbdmap fr`, the output is always correct. I consider this is a workaround, because not everybody accept to have to launch this...

> Is only pynput.Keyboard.type affected, or do normal keypresses also switch layouts? I didn't understand well the question. After wider tests, function `press` is also affected by the bad behaviour....

Indeed, but in my idea you know to which office you want to send an order, thus you select renewals for this juridiction, no ? What I can add is...

Hello, It is still possible, as seen in this screen shot. When selected, the actor card is created. You have to edit it later if you need. ![Create actor](