
Results 55 comments of Papoteur

The result is now OK `ceci est un autre essai pour vérifier si la lettre a est transcrite en cœur` In the mean time, I saw another error during a...

Hello, No, I didn't used any shift key. I have added some debug to be more accurate. I added logging.debug(f"Del:{text_block}") after line 834 and logging.debug(text_block) after line 846. Then I...

But bug is surely in xdotool: ``` xdotool type "élévation" 2l2vqtion ``` I found A workaround is to use the command `setxkbmap fr` before launching nerd-dictation. As this bug...

in my Mageia, this is what I have: xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf: Option "XkbLayout" "fr"

I will try something with: ``` setxkbmap -query rules: evdev model: pc105 layout: fr options: compose:rwin ``` Where is it the best place for that?

What do you mean about that?

Hello, I had no results with `autokey`. It doesn't seem to be usable as a module. I tried also `keyboard`, but this one needs root access, which is no way....

Hello, Should be OK to review now.

I have moved the test to idle in the case where the queue of data is empty. This is indeed more responsive. Thus I use smaller chunks from the queue.

I have tested it on Windows 8 only, I don't have Win32 here.