
Results 6 comments of palucdev

@mikewagz When are you reading data from Device Motion? Some kind of polling in fixed intervals of time ? I'm struggling with the same problem. #289

Hey! Recently I had the same problem and managed to resolve it by changing dependency name in `platforms/android/build.gradle` from `compile project(':tess-two')` to `compile 'com.rmtheis:tess-two:7.0.0'` (right after `// SUB-PROJECT DEPENDENCIES END`...

@jpowie01 How about "pinned" selections? Right now we are recoloring all of the pinned selections (which is quiet messy tbh). I think that it will be relatively easy to go...

Hey, thanks for response! I'm looking for way to replace your demo flutter app embedded in application using my flutter module. I can't find any sources or .aar file for...

Try to use lodepng allocators before switching to other lib.

@WillNilges Hey, thanks for recommendation. Will look into it.