Palle Ravn

Results 13 comments of Palle Ravn

I don't know how much ModelSim is different but for xsim would it be possible to - Reduce the base tcl file to something like ```tcl if { [expr $argc...

I managed to get a VCD file generated with the following core definition but it's not pretty. Especially the xsim `-t` option sticks out. ```yaml CAPI=2: name: ::erv:0.0.1 description: Testing...

I believe it's because it fails to detect your project's root directory as it only looks for git repositories. Run 'git init' or try faking it with 'mkdir .git'.

I have had problems with the HDL LSPs (Verible mostly) which boils down to missing detection of the project's root directory as the plugin searches for a git repository. When...

I'm trying to test with a [J-Link EDU Mini]( against the Tang Nano jtag interface. First issue is the [PID](, instead of 0x0105 it's 0x0101. I don't know if they...

I'm trying to figure out if I did the wiring correctly. Connecting TMS to TMS, TDI to TDI, and so on, really shouldn't be that difficult, but I can't read...

With the official Gowin Programmer it works fine for both RAM and flash, which is using the ch552 chip. I was trying to use jlink as an external probe, but...

I'm tempted to capture the JTAG TDI signal with a signal analyzer and compare how the GoWin Programmer does it with openFPGALoader, if you think that might help finding out...

~~It's been a long time since I last did any USB debugging and the software I used isn't available any more, but I should be able to do it. Would...

I read somewhere that the RAM should be cleared before writing to flash, such that it doesn't run anything while writing. Don't know if you already tried or openFPGALoader already...