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[Request] Add support for Segger J-Link cable (and/or clones) based on STM32

Open carlosedp opened this issue 2 years ago • 18 comments

It is a nice generic cable that can be used for multiple boards based on STM32.

How hard would be to add support to it?



carlosedp avatar Feb 09 '22 17:02 carlosedp

Yep, it's true. I think to order one unit (not a clone) since a while. It's not really hard (theoritically, reality is always less easy)

I know a bit of documentation to this topic is required...

trabucayre avatar Feb 09 '22 17:02 trabucayre

I've checked again price and finally I will order one on aliexpress

trabucayre avatar Feb 11 '22 06:02 trabucayre

Awesome, I'm about to get a Kintex7 FPGA (from Ali as well ;) ) and might get the Segger too :) Let me know once it arrives!

carlosedp avatar Feb 11 '22 13:02 carlosedp

I have to think for kintex too (but it's maybe not reasonable...) I think I have to wait for around 2 weeks for delivery to receive my Segger :)

trabucayre avatar Feb 11 '22 18:02 trabucayre

I have received my jlink probe \o/ I have tried with a subset of command to see if working: now I have to implement the rest (with algorithm quite similar to cmsisDAP). I try to do it ASAP but I have a paper to finish and SPI flash issue to fix :-)

trabucayre avatar Feb 26 '22 14:02 trabucayre

I have integrated the code into openFPGALoader and tested with an altera FPGA -> OK Now I need to check with others devices to fully validate implementation and adding cleanup/comment into code before pushing this support.

trabucayre avatar Mar 12 '22 09:03 trabucayre

Support is now available. It's requires more test to check everything.

trabucayre avatar Mar 12 '22 17:03 trabucayre

That's awesome. I've recently ordered one so it's not here yet. I'll report back once I test it out. Thanks a lot for the quickness of implementing it! :D

carlosedp avatar Mar 14 '22 18:03 carlosedp

I'll report back once I test it out.

Great! It's usually good to have user's report with different use case / setup to validate support or to find bug.

Thanks a lot for the quickness of implementing it! :D

I'm not sure I was fast to implement that :)

trabucayre avatar Mar 15 '22 05:03 trabucayre

Hi, Any news ? Thanks

trabucayre avatar May 04 '22 04:05 trabucayre

I'm trying to test with a J-Link EDU Mini against the Tang Nano jtag interface.

First issue is the PID, instead of 0x0105 it's 0x0101. I don't know if they should be compatible, but if so, it would be nice with multiple PIDs allowed for the J-Link cable.

After changing the PID, I get this output

% sudo ~/openFPGALoader/build/openFPGALoader -c jlink --freq 1000000 --fpga-part GW1N-1 --verbose-level 2 ~/neopixel_tang_nano.fs
1366:0101 (bus 2, device 32)
31 Reserved
device type: J-Link major: 1 minor: 0 revision: 0
Error write -4
LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE No such device (it may have been disconnected)
fails to send buffer
JTAG init failed with: fails to send buffer

paller avatar Jul 23 '22 20:07 paller

I have to check but it if EDU mini has a different VID/PID it may made sense to add a new entry. It's always possible to allows VID/PID overrides but I'm a bit not convinced here. I have to search a bit docs about this specific model (features limits or something like this). This driver was written using a clone and sometime those type of copies are a bit differents to the official.

trabucayre avatar Jul 24 '22 05:07 trabucayre

I'm trying to figure out if I did the wiring correctly. Connecting TMS to TMS, TDI to TDI, and so on, really shouldn't be that difficult, but I can't read the IDCODE over jtag with JTAGLoad and a simple .svf file.

paller avatar Jul 24 '22 20:07 paller

Ok: it seems to have two distinct issue:

  1. with openFPGALoader an error is produces at libusb level (but it's maybe something wrong at higher (openFPGALoader) level)
  2. with official tool you have no errors but you can't access device True?

trabucayre avatar Jul 24 '22 20:07 trabucayre

With the official Gowin Programmer it works fine for both RAM and flash, which is using the ch552 chip. I was trying to use jlink as an external probe, but I guess it can't work while the ch552 is also connected.

paller avatar Jul 25 '22 07:07 paller

ch552 firmware was implemented to works with gowin programmer (and there is some specifics hooks for gowin). You can't use external probe with the ch552 not disabled (or not in reset state).

trabucayre avatar Jul 25 '22 17:07 trabucayre

@trabucayre sorry about the absurdely delayed answer. I've moved houses in the past months and some of my stuff got packed away (including the segger cable by accident).

carlosedp avatar Sep 14 '22 13:09 carlosedp

Don't worry. There is sometime good reasons to postpone some tasks :) I have, also, to find a way to test mini edu model.

trabucayre avatar Sep 14 '22 16:09 trabucayre