Vladimir Dementyev

Results 132 comments of Vladimir Dementyev

Hey @plcosta! I've extracted an example integration of `jwt_sessions` + `devise`: https://gist.github.com/palkan/e00b12651444cf616b31310a211d2cc3 Hope that helps)

Let's include callbacks support via ActiveSupport::Callbacks if this module is available similarly to what we do in ActiveDelivery: https://github.com/palkan/active_delivery/blob/master/lib/active_delivery/callbacks.rb Would you like to propose a PR?

Hey @kleber-gueriero! Could you please provide a code example and a test example for this exception?' P.S. Sorry for such a late response.

Thanks for the report! That's for the latest release, right?

Hey @uzaif313! Could you please try the binary from this build: https://github.com/palkan/acli/actions/runs/1629943507

Oh, GitHub Actions' `ubuntu-latest` is 20 (since [21 is not an LTS release](https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/issues/4210)). I'll try to build it locally later.

> 'rspec-rails', '4.0.1' 'rails', '' With this setup, you don't need `action-cable-testing` anymore. Rails 6 and RSpec-Rails 4 has everything included. > I always give this error: ArgumentError: wrong number...

Seems that feature check in `rspec-rails` is checking the Rails version: https://github.com/rspec/rspec-rails/blob/d810df59bb3b4ea7f3a2a0d0b169f2f2b9d390ac/lib/rspec/rails/feature_check.rb#L27 I think, that's correct: event though `rspec-rails` implementation is extracted from this gem, they could go out of...

Thanks for the report! > anycable-rails already knows about rails, so it's the right place Yep, that should be handled by `anycable-rails`. One of the options could be is to...

> if you agree i can create a PR sometimes tomorrow on anycable-rails Sounds good! > do you prefer creating an issue on anycable-rails also? No, no need.