
Results 23 comments of palaniraja

Yes, that is how i migrated all my old posts

Thanks for you contribution. Leaving the ticket open, if anyone find this useful.

@GerhardMes Without the xml file it is hard for me to say. I think the error is from [line#75]( I recommend you try to validate the `MyFile.xml` if it passed,...

Could you please add audio feedback once wake word is recognised? The default `google-assistant-demo` running in headless mode at the moment does not have any feedback and user is clueless...

No worries, _school_ first. You have no obligation to complete an opensource project's feature request. Thanks for keep working on it though, update looks good. Good luck with your studies

@robobenklein open in atom and click install didn't work. May be I am behind a corporate firewall. Figured i could run `apm install Code-Ribbon` which was working. But I could...

Mac 12.6 on intel. Crash file is an .ips file from device. Sharing partial info here (hoping no PII/fingerprinting of app here) ``` {"app_name":"myapp","timestamp":"2022-09-03 13:18:29.00 -0700","app_version":"4.1.3","slice_uuid":"f1978768-13d8-3da7-be0e-4293bc924fad","adam_id":0,"build_version":"8787","platform":2,"bundleID":"com.domain.myapp","share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":0,"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 14.4.1 (18D61)","incident_id":"A1A9C328-8994-4789-9EB6-9C5BA56CB5EC","name":"myapp"} Incident...

You should be able to reproduce this with emulator, personally I haven't tried. I'll update you if I find it otherwise. Thank you.