Paco Benitez Chico
Paco Benitez Chico
Hi, I've found invalid locations in 360 frames (freeze_frame.location field). I share with you several examples about that: - Euro 2020 - Italy vs. Spain (competitionId = 55, seasonId =...
Hello there, I was wondering how to define "formData" parameters. I can see there are "queryParameters" but not "formData" which are very important in specific situations. Did you add it...
Hello, I was wondering if RAML could add custom properties. If so, I think it could be a good way to follow a specific prefix to define all of them,...
Hi Andrew, I am trying to create a video with your sample code ('example.mp4', dpi=150, fps=25, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'], savefig_kwargs={'pad_inches':0, 'facecolor':'#457E29'}) As you advanced in your comments, I had problems...
Hi Andrew, Would it be possible to return an extra fields (arrays) with the positions and cards related to players in flatten_lineup function? Thanks. Regards, Paco.